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Barton Farm Academy


Headteacher's Welcome

I would like to wish you a very warm welcome to our new school.

I am extremely proud to be the first headteacher of Barton Farm Primary Academy and I am looking forward to creating exciting and joyful learning experiences for your children.

Our school has been built to serve the growing community of Kings Barton located in the beautiful Hampshire city of Winchester. We welcomed our first cohort of reception age children in September 2020.

I am really pleased that the University of Winchester is our sponsor. Recognised for its outstanding practice in teacher training, the University will provide our children access to its facilities and expertise in a wide range of areas.

We are incredibly lucky to have a unique and inspiring learning environment. I am delighted that our school has been built with sustainability in mind. Our rain water harvesting system, green roof and solar panels will provide our pupils with rich learning opportunities. My aim is to achieve ‘Eco-Schools’ status. This initiative is a pupil-led, hands-on learning approach that will get the whole school and the wider community involved in exciting environmental projects such as a school garden, veggie patch and creation of wildlife habitats.

Our brand new facilities will blend seamlessly with the wonderful grounds and surroundings offering a wealth of opportunities for outdoor and creative learning. Our curriculum has been designed to take full advantage of our learning spaces. It aims to capture the children’s interest in a wide range of curriculum areas and equip them with the skills they need for later life. As the school grows, my aim is for the children to play a key role in shaping ideas for further development of the grounds and curriculum.

As a headteacher and as a parent, I understand the significance of the choice you are making. Starting school is an important milestone in any child’s life and we aim to make this transition as smooth as possible for both you and your child. Please visit our website for details of our open events that will provide you with further information about our wonderful new school.

I have very high aspirations for our school and for your children and I am looking forward to working with the many families in our growing community.

Best wishes,

Nicola Wells