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Barton Farm Academy


Academic Achievements


Year R Early Years Foundation Stage Profile results

Find below table with our 2023-24 data. The table below shows the % of pupils achieving a 'Good Level of Development' compared to all Hampshire schools and all schools nationally.

Barton Farm All Hampshire schools All schools nationally
93% 72% 68%

Year 1 phonics

We offer a structured synthetic phonics programme from Reception until a child is confident (typically in Year 2). National screening takes place in Year 1.

The table below shows % of pupils reaching the expected standard in the phonics screen test compared to all Hampshire schools and all schools nationally.

Barton Farm All Hampshire schools All schools nationally
89% 81% 80%

End of Key Stage 1

The table below shows % of pupils reaching the expected standard at the end of Key Stage One in 2023-24. The Key Stage One tests are no longer a national requirement so Hampshire and National data reflects 22-23 academic year. 

Barton Farm All Hampshire schools All schools nationally
Reading 86% 73% 68%
Writing 70% 64% 60%
Maths 70% 73% 70%

  The table below shows % of pupils reaching the greater depth standard at the end of Key Stage One. 

Barton Farm All Hampshire schools All schools nationally
Reading 23% 24% 19%
Writing 13% 10% 8%
Maths 10% 19% 16%