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Barton Farm Academy


Curriculum Overview

Our aim as a school is to 'nurture curiosity'. We do this by enabling the children to be creative and curious individuals and by helping them to develop the skills and knowledge that they need to be successful members of the community. Skills such as collaboration, problem solving, communication and compassion for ourselves and our planet.

As a brand new school, we have a unique opportunity to shape our curriculum as the school grows drawing on the interest and expertise of those around us. As part of the University of Winchester Academy Trust, we are also able to draw on a wide range of knowledge, skills and understanding from other members of our learning community to further enhance our learning.

As we develop and refine our curriculum over the coming months, you will be able to read more detail on these pages.

The curriculum is divided into three stages:

• Early Years Foundation Stage from ages 0-5
• Key Stage 1 (Years 1-2) from ages 5-7
• Key Stage 2 (Years 3-6) from ages 7-11

We teach and learn at our school using a theme based approach whilst following the statutory elements of the National Curriculum set out by key stage for each subject.